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We hope you have nice day!

ticket@ Ticket +49 30 62933194 charter@ Charter +49 30 62933195
no current restrictions


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All of the information are thoroughly inspected and updated. No guarantee or liability will be adopted for the accuracy of the information. Changes to the advertised services are subject to change at any time. No responsibility for damages, which may occur through the trust in the contents of this website, or its use, will be taken.


Links to different websites can be found on several pages. These can be recognized by their characteristic of opening in a new browser window. We possess no influence whatsoever on the structure and contents of the linked websites. A reference to an external site does not mean that Reederei Riedel regularly and thoroughly inspects or agrees with the contents of those sites, or its follow-up sites. All external links were checked for obvious rights-violations. This is true for all external links on this website.


Reederei Riedel GmbH
Nalepastrasse 10 -16
12459 Berlin
Telefon: (0 30) 679 61 47 – 0
Telefon: (0 30) 629 33 194
Telefax: (0 30) 679 61 47 – 10
E-Mail: [email protected]

Corporation location: Berlin: Berlin
Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Company registry number: HRB 60841
Place of jurisdiction and place of execution: Berlin
General Manager: Michael Nogai
Sales tax identification number: 13/182/21898

Trademark violations

In case you propose that through or with this offer, one of your trademarks has been violated, please inform us immediately via Email, fax, or letter, so that this circumstance may be resolved instantly. Please take note: The time consuming activation of a lawyer will result in fees for both parties, although a reprimand would not reflect our true intentions.


The website and the information contained within it are protected by copyright, and may not be used or distributed without consent.

Ticket Ticket +49 30 62933194 Charter Charter +49 30 62933195